Salvation Army hosting annual Thanksgiving dinner | DrumhellerMail

Salvation Army hosting annual Thanksgiving dinner


The Salvation Army is continuing a tradition that has grown from a small gathering into a great community event.

Its annual Thanksgiving Dinner is coming up on Saturday, October 10, starting at 4 p.m. Everyone is welcome for the dinner at the BCF. It’s great for those who may not have someone to celebrate with or others who may not want to go through the bother of making a large meal.

Captain Jennifer Hillier of The Drumheller Salvation Army said last year they served 130 guests.

“We have a caterer and we are really pleased to have Cenovus as our corporate sponsor again. So they will be sponsoring the dinner and providing us volunteers to assist us in serving,” said Hillier.

She believes the dinner has been going for at least seven years.

“It began as a relatively small event we ran in the basement of the church and folks from our church came together to provide the meal. It has gotten to the point we can no longer host it at our church,” she said. “It is a great event where people from the community, especially those who do not have family local, are able to come out and enjoy a meal with the community on us.”

She said a small gesture like a dinner could make a big impact on a person.

“The holidays, like Christmas or Thanksgiving can be really lonely for people that don’t have family connections. We want to provide a place for people to come together, celebrate and enjoy a turkey dinner.

This year they are planning to serve about 130 again, and they do have limited seating. She encourages those wishing to join them for Thanksgiving Dinner to RSVP.

“We are asking people to call us at 403-823-2215 and we can put your name on the list and ensure they have a seat at dinner,” said Hillier. 

Rides are available upon advance request.