Get Gus a girl dino | DrumhellerMail

Get Gus a girl dino

gus the dyno

The search is on to get Gus the Dinosaur in downtown Drumheller a date.

The DinoArts Association is spearheading a campaign to help him get a new girlfriend.

“As much as Gus loves the many human visitors he sees each year, both local and from around the world, he would really like a dino friend that he can finally give those lovely flowers to,” said a release.

The Town of Drumheller has made available a bench for a new dinosaur in downtown Drumheller. The Association has a design and quote for a new dino, now they need to raise the funds to make it a reality. To do this they have launched a campaign and have a goal of raising $5,000.

“The Drumheller and District Chamber of Commerce matches all donations, cash, in-kind or other, to the DinoArts Association up to a maximum of $10,000 per year. So, if we can raise $5,000 it will then be matched; and we can finally get Gus a date!”

            To donate go to and search “Get Gus a Girlfriend.”