Provincial music festival nominees to perform Sunday | DrumhellerMail

Provincial music festival nominees to perform Sunday


     Drumheller and area students of performing arts will have a chance to be seen and heard before heading off to provincial competition.
    The Drumheller and District Music Festival is inviting performers who have received Provincial nominations to come and play for the community this Sunday, May 24. This will be the last chance to perform before they head to competition.
    “The Drumheller & District Music Festival Association are very proud of these young adults who have put countless hours into their performances,” said the board. “Please come out and support them.”
    Pianist and provincial nominee Susanne Sevcik will be performing a five minute memorized piece. There is a contest with a prize of $25 for the person who guesses the total numbers of notes she plays.
    The concert is at 2 p.m. in the mezzanine area at the Badlands Community Facility. A free will offering will be taken.