MLA Strankman appointed Shadow Minister of Agriculture | DrumhellerMail

MLA Strankman appointed Shadow Minister of Agriculture


    MLA Rick Strankman has been given the task of looking out for producers as the new Shadow Minister for Agriculture.
    On Monday newly elected leader of the opposition Brian Jean, met with his caucus of 21 and named the core of his Shadow Ministers. There were local names among those appointed.
    “We have an incredibly strong team representing every corner of the province. We are ready to stand up for Albertans and focus on their priorities,” Jean said. “Alberta is facing unique and challenging circumstances, and Albertans deserve to have their representatives hard at work putting forward positive and constructive solutions.”
    Drumheller-Stettler MLA Strankman has been named Shadow Minister for Agriculture. In the previous caucus, he served primarily as Tourism Shadow Minister.
    Newly elected in the Strathmore-Brooks riding, Derek Fildebrandt was appointed Shadow Minister for Finance and Treasury Board.
    Jean also released his roster of Caucus Officers. Among them was Olds-Didsbury-Three Hills MLA Nathan Cooper. He was named Wildrose House Leader.
    Future shadow cabinet announcements will be made after Premier Notley announces her cabinet and government structure states a press release from the Wildrose.