Downtown merchants seek common ground | DrumhellerMail

Downtown merchants seek common ground


Downtown Drumheller merchants are reviewing ideas to attract more shoppers.

    Downtown merchants with an eye to the future had a successful meeting last Monday night.
    About 20 people representing business in the downtown core came out to Ivy’s Kitchen to discuss ideas concerning downtown.
    Last October, two signs were strategically placed in the downtown core inviting residents to make suggestions as to what they would like to see.
    These boards were on hand to start the conversation. Mike Todor of 3rd Avenue Arts facilitated the meeting and while there was not complete agreement on many issues or initiatives, not many were satisfied with status quo.
    “The point is we need people to wander in downtown,” said Todor.
    One point he was encouraged by was the willingness of neighboring businesses to work together. There was also agreement that no longer did downtown need to focus on summer weekends, but the full four-month tourism season, and be cognizant there are visitors year round.
    Some other ideas bandied at the meeting included standardizing minimum business hours. A recent survey showed that typically all businesses in the core were open in unison only within a two hour window.
    Another idea discussed was adding directories and directional signage within the core directing to stores and businesses.
    Todor said one positive outcome was the discussion allowed the group to assemble enough information to create an agenda for a second meeting to continue exploring ideas.
    “I felt there was positivity in how it went, it showed enthusiasm,” he said.