Elevator rescue at Badlands Community Facility | DrumhellerMail

Elevator rescue at Badlands Community Facility



A woman was rescued from a trapped elevator at Drumheller’s Badlands Community Facility Saturday night.
    The Drumheller Fire Department responded to the call shortly after 7 p.m. December 27.
    A BCF staff member had gone inside the elevator to clean it when the door opened only a few inches and then jammed and remained stuck.
    The Drumheller Fire Department cut the power to the elevator and were able to open the elevator doors manually and safely free the trapped woman within half an-hour. Drumheller Fire Chief Bruce Wade said the elevator is out of service until at least Monday. An over ride key the Drumheller Fire Department has for the elevator wasn't allowing them to open the ground floor door, and Chief Wade wonders if the weight of a firefighter that climbed onto the top of the elevator from the second floor helped the elevator to properly sit at the ground floor and allowed the doors to fully open.