Passion play prepares for new experiment this weekend | DrumhellerMail

Passion play prepares for new experiment this weekend

The Canadian Badlands Passion Play has been associated with Drumheller as a tourist attraction for 21 years, and the play kicks off this year with a  new change. The Passion Play will be adding a third weekend onto their shows in July.
    Weekend performances will take place from the 11th through the 27th. The Passion Play’s new times will be able to provide more accessibility for viewers who may not have been able to make the original dates.
    Vance Neudorf, executive director of the Passion Play, has been listening to the feedback from critics and decided  to extend the show times based on the comments.
    “We did this because we wanted to meet the requests of the people who watch us,” says Neudorf, “We also wanted to extend past the Calgary Stampede in order to bring in more demographics from around Alberta. It’s an experiment, so we’ll see how it goes.”
    Since it’s inception, over 250,000 people have witnessed the Passion Play, making it the biggest production in North America.  Though the three hour show may seem like a stretch, producers promise the play is worth it and the time goes by quickly.
    “There are different reasons to see the show. Sometimes it’s because it’s part of their faith, a part of the fabric of who they are. But the experience really comes alive.” Neudorf explains. “The time will go by quickly. As you’re following along, there’s so much stuff going on. It keeps you captivated.”