BCF gets $100,000 boost from Western Chev | DrumhellerMail

BCF gets $100,000 boost from Western Chev

    The Badlands Community Facility received a boost on Wednesday morning as the Pylypiw and Lubinski, and Western Chev family made a $100,000 donation to the Badlands Community Facility.
    Western Chev has been a pillar in the community for many years with Hellar Pylypiw was at the helm for almost 40 years, retiring earlier this year.  Giving back to the community has been a priority for many years, both for his family and the company.
    “This community has been good to us,” Pylypiw told inSide Drumheller. “We always want to give back; from the  high school to baseball or hockey to the 4H.”
    With the donation, the gallery area in the BCF will now be named to reflect this donation. He said his family enjoys art. His family also utilizes the facility on a regular basis and feels it is an asset to the community.
    “We come here just about daily and it is tremendously good for us,” said Pylypiw.     
With this donation, he hopes that it will inspire other members of the business community to get involved in the fundraising efforts.
    “This is a nice facility for the Town of Drumheller and we feel we need to support it to get to the end. I would like to encourage more business people in town to contribute to it,” said Pylypiw.
    BCF Fundraising Cabinet Chair Hansine Kostelecky is  grateful for the donation
    “We cannot stress enough the importance of additional financial support as we drive towards our fundraising goal for the BCF, with a commitment to continuing with the next phase of facility development, which could include an additional hockey rink, new curling rink and/or improvements to the pool” said Kostelecky. “Large donations from local donors are critical to the success of the fundraising campaign. We owe it to our local and surrounding population to keep improving.”
    The Badlands Community Facility is in the midst of its 55 donors in 55 days campaign. For more information, call 403-856-8103.