Who Are You? Aaron Barkley | DrumhellerMail

Who Are You? Aaron Barkley

Employer:  Strings 'n Things.
Position: Manager.
What are you hobbies? Playing guitar, biking and skating.
What’s in your CD player? Lamb of God.
What’s your favourite food? Meat lovers pizza.
Your favourite saying? Right on!
What’s your favourite movie?  Pulp Fiction.
Where would you like to travel?  New Zealand, there would be great mountain biking.
If you had a time machine, when and  where would you go? 2012 to see what is going down.
If you could have dinner with anyone alive or dead, who would it be?  Darrell “Dime” Lance Abbot, founder of Pantera and Damageplan.
What would you serve? Steak, covered in whisky, well done.
 Who is your hero? Zakk Wylde, Ozzy Osbourne’s guitarist and founder of Black Label Society. He’s amazing on guitar.
Favourite band? Pantera
Dream car? 1971 Chevelle
Words to live by? You only live once.